
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Three types of People

There are three types of people that you will come across
while living this life

1. People who are rainbow to your cloud - People who help you in difficult times.

2. People who are thorns to your rose - These are the people who help you grow
these people help you become the best version of yourself. They might be hard on you.
They might criticise you. But its all coming from a good place. They are well intentioned people
These are the keepers!

3. People who are rocks in your pants! - Now these are the people you do not befriend!
Not in any case! people who pass sexual remarks, below the belt remarks nasty and derogatory comments. These are the toxic people.They could be bullies. These people will make you feel that you are worthless. They may disguise themselves as friends! But they are worse than your enemies! You have nothing to do with such people, not even the enmity! They will make you feel uncomfortable thats why they called the rocks in your pants! They are as helpful as blisters on a hike! So stay away from such people!

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