
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Asking your fear questions!

I am terrified to work on this project.

But I am slightly more eager to see how it will turn out!
and often times when my fear arises, which it does non stop,
I try to engage in a conversation with it,
so the first thing I do is thank it!

Which I don't think we do enough,
I don't think we show enough gratitude to our fear,
all its trying to do is keep us alive,
save our life, so I thank it for caring about me!
trying to protect me! and I try to explain to it what I am doing, 
and why we are doing this! And know that fear's job is to tell
me all the worst outcomes that can happen, but I still want to do it,
and if fear still does not back down,
I ask fear for its alternative suggestions!

So may be ' I am afraid to do this project, so what are your suggestions, my fear?'
And it never has a suggestion. That we can call a 'better' one. Its does not have an
answer! So it just does not want me to do anything. It would prefer if I stayed in
a darkened room,  with a cool damp cloth over my forehead,
hiding from the world forever! And that is NOT going to work for me! 

That's not an interesting enough alternative! Until my fear gives me a better idea, 
than the worst case scenario that I already have in my head, I am not going to listen to it!

Because the alternative is 'Do something', it might not work, people might not like it! 
I may not make money from it, it may turn into a disaster, but at-least its 'a thing'! 
Fear always offers you a blank piece of paper. 'I got nothing for you!' and when the alternative is between 'something' and 'Nothing' I am not going to go with 'nothing'! I am always going to go with 'something' which is not an act of faith that its gonna work! 

It's like 'I want to start writing a new book, but I am too afraid to start until I am convinced that the universe will give  the desired outcome!' That is not going to happen!
The universe might not give you the outcome that you want! But the universe is going to give you 'AN' outcome! Its going to give you something! You are going to know more about yourself than you knew before writing that book may be! And it will lead to 'SOMETHING' and always given the choice between 'something and nothing' go for 'Something'....

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