
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas musings :)

Some more lines from the success stories!

You have always loved the physical movement of climbing.
There is certain joy in swinging around, propelling yourself upward.
The fluidity of movement!
Right now you are afraid of so many things!
strangers, falling.

That's fine. Fears are natural part of life!
But over the time you will realize that the only way to overcome fear is
to broaden your comfort zone! Its a long, slow process.
It requires constantly pushing yourself!
Bt eventually you will be pretty great at overcoming these fears!
You will frequently think about death and the little annoyances will melt away!

There will always be people calling you crazy or thinking that you have death wish.
That's fine. They don't see the amount of time and effort that goes in appropriation.
or your drive to do something difficult. Specially if its never done before!

But you will always find find a purpose in exploring your limits!
Do't let anyone else's opinion rein you in!

It does not matter what anyone else thinks...
Live your life in a way that you feel most fulfilling!
For many years, climbing will be the most important thing in your life!
You will put climbing before everything else!

Climbing is a life long journey! Use it to learn and grow!
And most important! Don't forget to enjoy the view :)

Some old work!

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